

Video editor in training

I began my studies in directing and editing in September 2023. I am currently apprenticing as a video editor at a B2B company that produces videos for other businesses. I expect to receive my diploma in June 2025. By that time, I will have two years of professional experience in video editing and some experience as a cameraman.


2024, Solo Class Project ​

Documentary about the night shift healthcare staff in a ​cancer center.

Worked solo from filming to post-production (Producer / ​Cameraman / Director / Editor).

2024, Free Class Project

Recreation of the opening scene of the movie 'Groundhog Day.'

Worked as an actor and editor during post-production.

2024,School Project

A woman is living her daily life until a dramatic event occurs.

A contemplative clip that explores routine and dealing with death.

Technical challenge focusing on match cuts.

2024, School Project

Report on Marine Robast, a farmer in Séné, France. The interview focused on the increasing importance of new technology in farmers' routines.

Corporate film, worked as cameraman and editor.

2023, School Project

TV magazine about video games and careers in the industry. Aimed at a young audience, to inspire interest in lesser-known jobs in the video game industry.

Exploration of TV magazine creation and production with a specific focus.

2023, Personnel Project

The crushing weight of everyday life and how it affects us.

Solo project, filmed with a phone.

2023, Personnel Project

Hellfest 2023 Aftermovie, metal festival in Clisson, France.

Solo project, filmed with a phone.

I love editing and filming. if i can tell a story through my edits or images and tell it well, then i’m satisified with my work.



• Storytelling

• Communication & collaboration

• Technical Skills

• Adaptability

• Competitiveness


Get in touch



+336 50 61 43 38